This is us.
My name is Kristen Fulton and I am the owner of Blessed by Elderberries. I am a home school momma to 5 young boys that range in age from 5yrs old to 10 yrs old (yes you read that right). They are actually most of the reason that we started using more natural products and elderberry syrup in the first place.
About 7 years ago now we were a family of sickness. It did not matter the bug that came home with my husband it inevitably ran through our house hold. I have to say it was one of the hardest times of being a mom. I was pregnant with baby number 4, had 3 under 3, and was taking care of everyone. This went on for years.
There was a particular day where I had just had our 5th child. My husband had severe pneumonia. One of our other kids had just gotten sick not to mention that I had one developmentally delayed, while healing still from just giving birth. I had to drive my husband to the doctor's office, then go over to my have my sick kiddo checked out, and then go back to get my husband. Thankfully my wonderful mother, who helps with marketing our business, was able to come help me.
It was in that moment though that I had had enough.
You see we had been using essential oils for a year or so at that point and I had heard that those coupled with other natural things could help our immune systems which were so battle worn at this point. So I started my quest.
We started using our oils more consistently, every single day, and as soon as it seemed like there might be a germ invading our home. We went about 4 years doing this and I noticed, as well as my husband, that we were getting less sick. If we got sick it wouldn't hit every single person, or we could handle it at home.
Then in 2018 my husband got the flu. Right before that a friend had sent me some elderberry syrup and told me to add to our regiment of natural things. That next Thursday he came down with the flu. He couldn't even get out of bed. I started giving him elderberry along with all the other things we already did and he was over it by SATURDAY and back to work on Monday! No one else in the house got it!
We were floored and at that point started taking it every single day. Since then I have been making elderberry for all our friends and neighbors and now we are even in local stores!
Now I am proud to say that the kids have not been to the doctor for a sick visit except one time in over 5 years! This journey has been a HUGE blessing to us and we hope that it is the same for you!
P.S If you'd like to check out the oils that we use here's the link: https://www.myyl.com/kristen.fulton
I purchased a jar of this elderberry syrup at Muston and Crutchfield in Kernersville. We love it!! I’m now seeing all the other products you offer and cannot wait to try more! Thank you!
First thank you sharing this with us. Kristen I have known you a few years or more, and it has been a blessing, learning from you. You truly are a woman of God he speaks through and works through you in an amazing way,and it being so amazing because you listen and hear his message to use in the way he means fit. Sure struggles we all have them. You didn’t just have struggles but what you had more than that but you found a way out of the trench, because you never lost faith.. I’m so proud of you. Know look at yall❗💕💕💕